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Be Healthy in the New Year

People make New Year’s resolutions. If you didn’t make any for your health, it is not too late. Anytime is a good time to change your behavior for a healthier you. Our office staff ran in a 5K in December in an effort to get more exercise. It can be more fun to exercise with a group. You can join classes in your area or find a group of friends to exercise with.

Maybe you are not ready to run a 5K, but you can still take steps to improve your health. Eating at least five fruits and vegetables a day can make a big difference in your diet and how you feel. Reducing the amount of fat in your diet can help you feel less sluggish and help you to lose fat. Along with a balanced diet and any type of exercise can help you become more healthy this year.

If you have been prescribed a to use a CPAP or oxygen concentrator, you can ensure healthier breathing by maintaining your machine. Some machines have filters that can be cleaned or replaced. Concentrator tubing and CPAP tubing should be replaced every three months. Make sure that the air you are putting in your lungs is as pure as it can be to help you stay healthy. Filter kits are available to purchase to replace in your machine for cleaner air. There are many other steps you can take to keep your CPAP clean and working efficiently; click here to review general maintenance for CPAP machines.

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