Author Archives: Laurie DeChello

CPAP Maintenance

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition where a person has problems breathing at night. Specifically, the airways are repeatedly blocked causing the person to stop breathing for an extended time. The body struggles to get the blocked airway open, which usually happens with a gasp, snore sound or jerking of the body. (1) This is […]

COPD: Eating for Energy

People with COPD burn 10 times the calories just breathing compared to a person without breathing problems. (1) This can zap your energy. Eating the right foods and the right portion sizes can help you have more energy. There are also power foods that contain a lot of nutrition in each bite. Some people may find […]

COPD: Dangers in Your Home

If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you are probably aware that smoking can make your condition worse and may have even been the cause of your disease. But did you know that there are other dangers in your home that can make your symptoms and disease worse? Carpets, air ducts, chemicals, and fireplaces […]

What is COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Your doctor may have diagnosed you with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Do you know what it is or may have caused this disease? Do you know what you can do to prevent more damage to your lungs and help you live a normal life? Just because you have COPD […]